| 姓名 | 朱海龙 |
职称、学位 | 教授、博士研究生 |
邮箱 | 120081531ⓐaufe.edu.cn |
专业 | 数学 |
研究方向 | 动力系统、数值计算 |
3.主持2014年国家自然科学基金青年项目(national natural science foundation of china):随机动力系统的非一致指数二分性及其数值模拟, 编号:11301001.
4.主持2014年安徽省教育厅高校优秀青年基金重点项目(excellent youth scholars foundation and the natural science foundation of anhui province of pr china):随机系统的非一致行为及其在经济学中的应用,编号:2013sqrl030zd.
[1]徐健,朱海龙,朱江乐,等.基于物理信息神经网络的burgers-fisher方程求解方法. 浙江大学学报(工学版), 2023, 57(11): 2160-2169.
[2]h. zhu(朱海龙), robustness of nonuniform mean-square exponential dichotomies, proceedings of the royal society of edinburgh section a: mathematics, 1-43. doi:10.1017/prm.2023.23.
[3]j. chu, f. liao, s. siegmund, y. xia, h. zhu(朱海龙), nonuniform dichotomy spectrum and reducibility for nonautonomous difference equations. adv. nonlinear anal. 11(1), 369-384 (2022).
[4]h. zhu(朱海龙), l. chen, nonuniform mean-square exponential dichotomies and mean-square exponential stability, nonlinear analysis, 2020, 196, 111806.
[5]h. zhu(朱海龙), z. li, nonuniform dichotomy spectrum intervals: theorem and computation, j. appl. anal. comput. 2019, 9(3): 1102-1119.
[6]h. zhu(朱海龙), j.chu, w. zhang, mean-square almost automorphic solutions for stochastic differential equations with hyperbolicity, discrete contin. dyn. syst. 2018, 38(4): 1935-1953.
[7]h. zhu(朱海龙), f. liao, almost automorphic solutions of non-autonomous differential equations, bull. iran. math. soc. (2018) 44:205–223.
[8]h. zhu(朱海龙), y. jiang, robustness of mean-square exponential dichotomies for linear stochastic equations, electron. j. differential equations, 2017, (123): 1-13.
[9]s. li, f. liao, h. zhu(朱海龙), periodic solutions of damped duffing-type equations with singularity, proc. rom. acad. ser. a math. phys. tech. sci. inf. sci. 2017, (18): 8–16.
[10]h. zhu(朱海龙), j.chu, mean-square exponential dichotomy of numerical solutions to stochastic differential equations, j. appl. anal. comput. 2016, 6(2): 463-478.
[11]f. wang, f. zhang, h. zhu(朱海龙),, s. li, periodic orbits of nonlinear first-order general periodic boundary value problem, filomat, 2016, 30(13): 3427-3434.
[12]k. wang, y. zhu, h. zhu(朱海龙), new results on the stochastic gilpin-ayala model with delays, filomat, 2016, 30(6): 1431-1440.
[13]h. zhu(朱海龙), c. zhang, y. jiang, a perron-type theorem for nonautonomous difference equations with nonuniform behavior, electron. j. qual. theory differ. equ., 2015 (36): 1-15.
[14]h. zhu(朱海龙), s. li, multiplicity of positive periodic solutions to nonlinear boundary value problems with a parameter, j. appl. math. comput., 2015: 1-12.
[15]j. chu, s. li, h. zhu(朱海龙), non trivial periodic solutions of second order singular damped dynamical systems, rocky mountain j. math. 2015, 45(2): 457-474.
[16]f. wang, h. zhu(朱海龙), existence, uniqueness and stability of periodic solutions of a doffing equation under periodic and anti-periodic eigenvalues conditions, taiwanese j. math. 2015, 19(5): 1457-1468.
[17]s. li, f. liao, h. zhu(朱海龙), multiplicity of positive solutions to second-order singular differential equations with a parameter, bound. value probl., 2014, 2014(1): 115.
[18]s. li, f. liao, h. zhu(朱海龙), periodic solutions of second order non-autonomous differential systems, fixed point theory, 2014, 15(2): 487-494.[19]j. chu, h. zhu(朱海龙), lyapunov regularity for random dynamical systems, bull. sci. math., 2013, 137(5): 671-687.
[20]h. zhu(朱海龙), z. li, newton’s method based on bifurcation for solving multiple solutions of nonlinear elliptic equations, math. methods appl. sci., 36 (2013) 2208-2223.
[21]z. li, z. yang, h. zhu(朱海龙), bifurcation method for computing the multiple positive solutions to p-henon equation, appl. math. comput., 2013, 220(1): 593-601.
[22]h. zhu(朱海龙), s. li, existence and multiplicity results for nonlinear differential equations depending on a parameter in semipositone case, abstr. appl. anal., 2012, art. id 215617, 10 pp.
[23]h. zhu(朱海龙), z. li, z. yang, analysis and computation for a class of semilinear elliptic boundary value problems, comput. math. appl., 2012, 64(8): 2735–2743.
[24]z. li, z. yang, h. zhu(朱海龙), a bifurcation method for solving multiple positive solutions to the boundary value problem of the henon equation on a unit disk, comput. math. appl., 2011, 62(10): 3775-3784.
[25]z. li, h. zhu(朱海龙), z. yang, bifurcation method for solving multiple positive solutions to henon equation on the unit cube, commun. nonlinear sci. numer. simulat., 2011, 16(9): 3673-3683.
[26]h. zhu(朱海龙), z. li, newton’s method’s basin of attraction for sign-changing solutions of concave and convex nonlinearities, appl. math. comput., 2010, 217(7): 2937-2943.
朱海龙), z. li, k. zhuang, a contractor iteration method using eigenpairs for positive solutions of nonlinear elliptic equation, int. j. comput. math. sci., 2010, 4(4): 202-205.
[28]z. li, z. yang, h. zhu(朱海龙), bifurcation method for solving multiple positive solutions to henon equation, sci. china ser. a, 2008, 51(12): 2330-2342.
2016年论文《newton’s method based on bifurcation for solving multiple solutions of nonlinear elliptic equations》被评为第八届安徽省自然科学优秀学术论文三等奖。