| 姓名 | 李清栋 |
职称、学位 | 讲师、博士 |
邮箱 | qingdonglee@126.com |
专业 | 基础数学 |
研究方向 | 非线性分析 |
1. qingdong li, zhi-qing han.
existence of critical point for abstract resonant problems with unbounded nonlinearities and applications to differential equations,
nonlinear analysis, volume 65, issue 8, 15 october 2006, pages 1654-1668
2. qingdong li, han su, zhongli wei.
existence of infinitely many large solutions for the nonlinear schrodinger–maxwell equations, nonlinear analysis, volume 72, issue 11, (2010) 4264-4270.
3. zhongli wei, qingdong li, junling che.
initial value problems for fractional differential equations involving riemann–liouville sequential fractional derivative,
journal of mathematical analysis and applications, volume 367, issue 1, july 2010, pages 260-272.
4. qingdong li, han su, zhongli wei.
existence and uniqueness result for a class of sequential fractional differential equations
journal of applied mathematics and computing, (2012) 38:641–652.
2. 安徽省高校数学微课程教学设计竞赛二等奖,2015年。